Ljudböcker / Romantik
De kom till jul - erotisk julnovell
"När han långsamt smekte hennes rygg med fingertopparna ville hon bara ha mer och tryckte sig ännu närmare honom."Markus har kört upp till norra delarna av Sverige för att ta hand ...
Det är december månad och i luften ligger något elektriskt - något varnande om vad som komma skall. Från väster drar den omtalade stormen in över Sverige med hårda vindar och kraft ...
One Coin in the Fountain
Perfect for fans of the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn.When Rose’s charming guardian Sir Laurence Melville is ditched by her fiancée, Rose is secretly happy, as she is quite in l ...
Escape to Happiness
Perfect for fans of Netflix adaptation of Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. Rose had read about the wedding, a widely covered social event, and under no circumstances had imagined that sh ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Cask of Amontillado
B.J. Harrison visits Edgar Allan Poe's grim horror story, 'The Cask of Amontillado'. Montresor is a man who has been insulted, and he does not take this lightly. Seeking revenge on ...
B.J. Harrison Reads The Purloined Letter
B.J. Harrison reads 'The Purloined Letter' by Edgar Allan Poe, which is a story of an unusual mystery that needs to be solved. A sensitive letter has been stolen from the queen's b ...
B.J. Harrison Reads Berenice
Egaeus is a man who can get lost in matters with 'nervous intensity of interest'. He is about to marry his cousin Berenice, whose health is deteriorating until the only part the di ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Wuthering Heights
"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." In the winter of 1801, a man named Lockwood rents a home in Northern England. When he meets ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Snow Queen
B.J. Harrison reads one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most beloved stories, 'The Snow Queen'. The devil, who has taken the shape of an evil troll, has created a mirror that freezes ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Desiree's Baby
Kate Chopin’s short story "Desirée’s Baby" depicts a love story that is far from simple. Desirée was found as a baby by a wealthy French Creole couple, Monsieur and Madame Valmondé ...
Menos dulce y más picante, ¡por favor!
Provocadora, intensa, atrevida, excitante, adictiva… La primera vez que Ellen Foster vio al inspector Taylor Burke, se quedó conmocionada, atrapada en la red de araña que este tejí ...
B. J. Harrison Reads A Room with a View
Lucy Honeychurch and her cousin are on a vacation in Florence. The girls are given a room looking into the courtyard, but they would rather have one with a view over the river. Geo ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
"I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope yo ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Offshore Pirate
"You see, this is the beauty I want. Beauty has got to be astonishing, astounding--it's got to burst in on you like a dream, like the exquisite eyes of a girl."Ardita, a beautiful ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Bernice Bobs Her Hair
"He wondered idly whether she was a poor conversationalist because she got no attention or got no attention because she was a poor conversationalist." Bernice is having a difficult ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Emma
Jane Austen’s fourth and funniest novel introduces us to many different characters. We learn about their relationships and love life. Emma Woodhouse is a twenty-year-old girl, whos ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Yellow Wallpaper
A woman is suffering from severe postpartum psychosis and her husband takes her to a colonial mansion where they can spend the summer. The woman is however closed and isolated in a ...
När vingarna bär
När Jeanette var med och startade spaet i den lilla staden Serenity gav det henne något mer än bara yrkesmässig tillfredsställelse. För första gången fick hon uppleva innerlig väns ...
Mer lusta än logik
Att resa och utforska världen, det är vad lady Temperance Lattimar alltid velat göra. Med tanke på att hon är dotter till en ökänd kvinna och därmed fått ärva sin mors sedeslösa ry ...
Affärskvinnan Andrea Payne vägrar att vara singel på ytterligare ett bröllop! I ren desperation erbjuder hon en snygg främling hon träffar på en bar en rejäl summa för att vara hen ...
Intohimoa pakoon
Ihastuttava Fleur on saanut elämässä enemmän kuin oman osansa verran epäonnea. Sodan runtelemien alueiden ja huonojen rakkaussuhteiden pakolainen Fleur tahtoisi elämältään parempaa ...
Rakkauden palapeli
Katrina Darley, nuori orvoksi jäänyt nainen, joutuu draaman ja skandaalin keskelle. Hänen tätinsä, pinnallinen ja mustasukkainen nainen, pakottaa Katrinan avioliittoon estääkseen s ...
Lääkärileikki - ja 8 muuta eroottista novellia yhteistyössä Erika Lustin kanssa
Kokoelman novellit on julkaistu yhteistyössä ruotsalaisen elokuvatuottajan Erika Lustin kanssa. Hänen tavoitteensa on kuvata ihmisluontoa ja ihmisen monimuotoisuutta intohimoa, int ...
Tule linjoille - 6 provosoivaa eroottista novellia
Tämä novellikokoelma sisältää kuusi provosoivaa eroottista tarinaa Elena Lundilta: Alistuminen, Vaarallinen intohimo, Ratsastaja, Tule linjoille, Tervetuloa Kittyyn, Harjoittelija. ...
Kalenteriseksiä - 4 eroottista joulunovellia
Tutustu LUST-kirjailijoidemme eroottisiin tarinoihin. Tämä kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:Kalenteriseksiä, Jouluaatto Hyde-kartanossa, Uudenvuodenyö, JoulutoiveKokoelma LUST- ...