Ljudböcker / Noveller
B. J. Harrison Reads The Invisible Eye
“The physiognomy of this old woman had struck me more than once: her little green eyes, long, thin nose, the immense bouquets of flowers on her shawl, which must have been at least ...
The Homely Heroine
"The Homely Heroine" is a short story by American author Edna Ferber. It features a writer whose heroines are generally extremely beautiful. But one day, whilst she is out shopping ...
24 december: Vi komma hand i hand - en erotisk julkalender
Gabriel är hemma hos släkten över jul. Medan snön faller utanför fönstret ska han och kusinerna Fabian och Rebecca baka alla julens godheter. Men Gabriel kan inte koncentrera sig p ...
14 december: Kom i din vita skrud - en erotisk julkalender
Kian står uppe på en scen, publiken kokar. Framför honom står fem stycken kvinnor, på knä, med uppdragna lucianattlinnen. Hans uppgift är att få dem alla att komma, och försöka lis ...
13 december: Gossar, låt oss julkåta vara - en erotisk julkalender
Det är juletid. Precis som den första Staffan en gång i tiden, har Staffan som tradition att rida runt på bygden med sina män för att bli inbjuden på gårdarna. I år ska han besöka ...
23 december: Mr T. - en erotisk julkalender
Nils är på väg upp till Rovaniemi. Det är dags för en intensiv periods arbete inför julen och alla julklappar som ska delas ut. Han sitter i sin tågkupé och känner att han kommer s ...
Mordvittnets häxkittel
Den 16 mars 1916 upprördes den svenska allmänheten av en uppseendeväckande nyhet i kvällstidningarna. Där kunde man läsa om ett hemskt mordrama som samma dag vid 12-tiden utspelats ...
22 december: Anton med röda mulen - en erotisk julkalender
Alla studenter har lämnat korridoren och åkt hem till sina familjer. Alla förutom Sandra och Anton. De bestämmer sig för att fira julen tillsammans i korridorens gemensamma kök, me ...
10 december: Naken med ljus i hår - en erotisk julkalender
Emma tillhör en kvinnokör som utåt sett är ordentliga, unga kvinnor, men vad som händer bakom stängda dörrar är en helt annan historia. Det är dags att lussa för en firma i stan, o ...
16 december: Julleverans med det stora extra - en erotisk julkalender
När Susannas son ställer in årets julfirande till förmån för sin sambos familj, bestämmer hon sig för att själv ta tag i sin egen lycka. Hon trillar över en möjlighet att beställa ...
The Naughty Boy
One stormy evening, a kind old poet was resting quietly at home when he heard a knock at his door. When he opened it, he found a handsome young boy, soaking wet, and the good poet ...
The Travelling Companion
When his father died, young Johannes did not know what to do. He was now all alone in the world and he was inconsolable. With his inheritance, he decided to explore the world and h ...
The Snow Man
The snowman had just been born under the eyes and joyful laughter of children. How he loved the cold! His only problem was the shiny ball in the sky that keep looking at him, witho ...
The Rose Elf
In the rose bush in the middle of the garden lived a tiny elf, she was so small that it was impossible to see her with the naked eye. Behind each rose petal hides a room and the el ...
The Wicked Prince
Once upon a time there was a prince without pity: he wanted to be the strongest and sent armies of soldiers to destroy villages and stop other kings, he even got it into his head t ...
The Swineherd
A poor prince with a famous name became infatuated with a princess who was rather spoilt and wanted to marry her. So, he sent her gifts, but the princess was not satisfied and refu ...
The Nightingale
A long time ago, the Emperor of China lived in a magnificent palace made of fine china and surrounded by a splendid garden that was so big that even the gardener did not know it al ...
The Red Shoes
There was once a poor little girl called Karen. In summer, she walked barefoot and in winter, she wore clogs that hurt her feet. She had no choice, it was all she had. Dame Shoemak ...
The Shadow
A scholar from a cold country lived in a hot country, but he found it difficult to adapt to the climate. In the daytime, his shadow became tiny: it really was too hot for him. So, ...
The Neighbouring Families
Many families lived close to the pond: the roses, the sparrows and even men. During a family discussion, the little sparrows asked their parents, what is Beauty? A question whose a ...
The Story of a Mother
A child is gravely ill and his mother has already spent three nights at his bedside. Then, a strange man knocks on the door and she bids him enter to shelter from the cold. But, it ...
The Happy Family
Next to a long-abandoned castle, grows a jungle of burdock. Under the great green leaves live two old snails, descended from a long lineage, whose ancestors were served on silver p ...
The Old Street Lamp
An old street lamp is at the end of its working life. It has had a long life and lots of people know it. So, friends come to visit on its last night on the job.Hans Christian Ander ...
The Old House
There was once an old house that was so dilapidated that it made the other houses in the street ashamed. But, the little boy who lived opposite liked it a lot and loved looking at ...
The Shirt Collar
This is the story of a false shirt collar, who, when he was of marriageable age, met a shy garter in the washing. So, he set out on a quest to seduce her, which was not without its ...