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Omslagsbild för Judo - Road to Champion
Isbn: 978-95-2807-466-3
Förlag: Books on Demand
Idrott & friluftsaktiviteter
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2025


Judo - Road to Champion

This work contains over 1,500 images illustrating all the key throwing and grappling techniques used by top international competitors. It is based on the analysis of over one thousand techniques that resulted in an ippon in major international tournaments since 2000. The book comprehensively presents training guidelines for judoka aspiring to reach the top, which judo instructors and coaches can utilise in their daily judo practice. The purpose of this new type of judo book is to provide the necessary sport-specific tools for those aiming for judo success and achieving their competition goals - the road to becoming a champion.

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