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Biblioteket meddelar: OBS! Antalet böcker du kan låna per kalendermånad är 5.
Omslagsbild för The Best Leader
Isbn: 978-95-2805-266-1
Förlag: Books on Demand
Psykologi Ekonomi & marknadsföring
Tillgänglig sedan: november 2024


The Best Leader

Would you like to become a great leader? Don't settle for a modest goal - aim to be the best! This book helps you avoid common pitfalls and equips you with the tools for exceptional leadership. How do situational awareness, respect, and positivity drive people's actions? How do motivation and the right kind of rewards correlate with results? Unfortunately, the world is full of poor managers. Leadership is challenging because people and situations are unique. A single "template" or checklist won't work in every case. Why do so few reflect on their leadership and strive to improve? The path to becoming the best leader is straightforward: set a goal, master the basics, handle special situations with care, and focus on continuous development. Be the person remembered for their positivity and empathy. Always strive to be the best!

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