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Biblioteket meddelar: OBS! Antalet böcker du kan låna per kalendermånad är 5.
Omslagsbild för KATHREMES: Universe - Magnetism and Levitation
Isbn: 978-91-8114-468-0
Förlag: Books on Demand
Tillgänglig sedan: oktober 2024


KATHREMES: Universe - Magnetism and Levitation

Kathremes are galactic beings who are above us in their ships, and they are the ones I have had telepathic contact with for 4.5 years. They convey that it is now time for them to take the next step, which is why they will emerge on a larger scale and increasingly show themselves on Earth. The book covers concepts such as magnetism, levitation, and the power of the universe, where both angels and Kathremes explain how, by better understanding the universe, we can develop the magnetism of the future so that our cars can begin to hover (a concept that has been hidden from us for many years). This is precisely the specialty of the Kathremes, it's also what they are here to help us with, so that we can develop a new car industry. During the same period, I have also been in contact with Stephen Hawking, who is one of my teachers in the spirit world. He briefly talks about black holes, but more importantly, about the quasar technology that we will develop in the future. This book is an introduction to the fantastic collaboration we will have with the Kathremes in the future. It is together with our galactic friends that we will build a new and more beautiful world. We are the universe - and so are you. We are all one!

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