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Biblioteket meddelar: OBS! Antalet böcker du kan låna per kalendermånad är 5.
Omslagsbild för Analysis of Nordic regulatory framework and its effect on waste prevention and recycling in the region
Isbn: 978-92-8936-105-7
Förlag: Nordiska ministerrådet
Tillgänglig sedan: juli 2019


Analysis of Nordic regulatory framework and its effect on waste prevention and recycling in the region

At an important time in Nordic Waste Policy, as the 2018 Circular Economy Package makes significant updates to key European Union directives, this work looks back at the Nordic regulatory framework for waste from the 1970s and its effect upon waste prevention and recycling.At an important time in Nordic Waste Policy, as the 2018 Circular Economy Package makes significant updates to key European Union directives, this work looks back at the Nordic regulatory framework for waste from the 1970s and its effect upon waste prevention and recycling.

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