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Biblioteket meddelar: OBS! Antalet böcker du kan låna per kalendermånad är 5.
Omslagsbild för CETI Revisited
Isbn: 978-95-2264-265-3
Förlag: Into Kustannus
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2019


CETI Revisited

CETI Revisited investigates the old idea of communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations from a number of new angles. It proposes a new and affordable strategy for humanity's interstellar and intergalactic communication efforts.

Most of our energy will soon come from the Sun. Large fields of parabolic solar concentrators can be connected together and used as enormous radio telescopes. They could also send radio messages to distant galaxies.

Risto Isomäki is a science and science fiction writer, whose books have been published in more than fifteen languages. He lives in Helsinki, Finland.

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