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Omslagsbild för The Gray Phantom’s Return
Isbn: 978-91-7759-457-4
Förlag: Anncona Media
Romaner Deckare & spänning Engelskspråkiga
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2018


The Gray Phantom’s Return

The Gray Phantom’s Return is a detective novel by American author Herman Landon.

The Gray Phantom was created by Herman Landon, the creator of Picaroon and  Godfrey Usher; The Phantom appeared in Detective Story Magazine starting with Seven Signs.

The Phantom is Cuthbert Vanady, and he is a handsome devil, tall, lanky, with a 'lean, clean-chiseled' face and ash-grey eyes to match the gray at his temples and his gray business suits. The Phantom is more than just good-looking, of course. He's a criminal mastermind.

The Gray Phantom's Return was first published in 1922. E-Book: ePUB, 80,100 words, average reading time 6 hours, 40 min. Unabridged full version.

Herman Landon (1882 - 1960) was an American author of pulp detective fiction, best remembered for his popular 1920s detective series "Gray Phantom". He also worked as a feature writer and managing editor for the Washington Herald.

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