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Omslagsbild för Me Book of Writted Thinks
Isbn: 978-91-7785-052-6
Förlag: Books on Demand
Romaner Humor
Tillgänglig sedan: augusti 2017


Me Book of Writted Thinks

In the olden times there sat a man in a smoking room filled with peebles whom was all movie around in rythm to a tinny sort of nose emitting from a rotating, flat sphereoid. The man signed deeply, for he had a habitat of doing so... In the 23 different short stories that are in Me Book of Writted Thinks you will encounter ordinary people, strange people, sad people, pirates, ghosts, a fisherman, animals.... and meet such characters as Groobly Dershmant, Ronald Pyddlesnips, Lady Aberdeer, the Pleesemen, and Sad Jim. Written in Selanders unique comedic style filled with puns and nonsense, prepare to be befuddled, fascinated and fully entertained.

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