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Biblioteket meddelar: OBS! Antalet böcker du kan låna per kalendermånad är 5.
Omslagsbild för Critical metals in end-of-life products
Isbn: 978-92-8934-990-1
Förlag: Nordiska ministerrådet
Tillgänglig sedan: juni 2017


Critical metals in end-of-life products

Critical raw materials (CRM) are used in various applications in different sectors, and their consumption will likely further increase in future. The threats caused by their limited availability and high prices have led to discussion on more efficient use of the resources available. The enhanced recycling of critical raw materials could be a significant opportunity for the Nordic countries.This report focuses on the recycling potential of wastes containing CRMs, analyses of the bottlenecks of recycling, and identifies potential policy instruments to eliminate the barriers or reduce their impact. In order to enhance sustainable recycling, the Nordic countries should improve knowledge of CRM availability, develop new recycling strategies, support demonstration and selected R&D actions, and strengthen Nordic influence on the development of European legislation and standards.

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